and the journey begins...
you know i should have just taken up photography or filming, at least i would have kick started my debut in the porn industry by now. but what the hell, it'll always remain my hobby. so its photo album time, Mohan, Raj and i were at Colton, yesterday.
judging from this picture you don't have to guess twice what out activities were the night before...

and we slept like babies...

got up with full of energy, ready to grab the world...

my James Dean...

city boys, city boys...wat'ca gonna do, when they come for you?

she doesn't look too happy with the offer, maybe i should make her one

Raj : shut the fuck up and listen to me, we're gonna do this and we're gonna do it right!!!
Mohan : but Raj, there are CCTV camera's all around us!

and finally our hero makes his entrance!!!

i'm gonna get whacked on the streets one of these days. i'm a bad boy, bad bad boy!

Mohan : you're kidding me right, 35pounds for parking?
Raj : do i look like i'm fucking kidding?!

Lets ride, boys...

we must travel far, much haste during the day...

till we reach the bridge of knowledge....

there you shall seek the wise man for guidance...

travel far again, you must...

learn the ways of the Darkside, rest as little while you can...

be one with your fear and anger, concerntrate you must....

bond with nature...
Darth Rajes : Arise my nobble steed....

reach the top, where the Darkside powers await you...

travel more we will, in our next adventure....

may the darkside be strong in you

anger leads to hate, hate leads to fear, fears leads you to the Darkside. i have journeyed, and i have seeked my powers, i am now more powerful than ever! Muahahaha Muahahaha, you are no match for me now, you do gooders! bow before the most powerfull Sith Lord you shall ever withness Darth Rajes *cue lightening and thunder*
judging from this picture you don't have to guess twice what out activities were the night before...

and we slept like babies...

got up with full of energy, ready to grab the world...

my James Dean...

city boys, city boys...wat'ca gonna do, when they come for you?

she doesn't look too happy with the offer, maybe i should make her one

Raj : shut the fuck up and listen to me, we're gonna do this and we're gonna do it right!!!
Mohan : but Raj, there are CCTV camera's all around us!

and finally our hero makes his entrance!!!

i'm gonna get whacked on the streets one of these days. i'm a bad boy, bad bad boy!

Mohan : you're kidding me right, 35pounds for parking?
Raj : do i look like i'm fucking kidding?!

Lets ride, boys...

we must travel far, much haste during the day...

till we reach the bridge of knowledge....

there you shall seek the wise man for guidance...

travel far again, you must...

learn the ways of the Darkside, rest as little while you can...

be one with your fear and anger, concerntrate you must....

bond with nature...
Darth Rajes : Arise my nobble steed....

reach the top, where the Darkside powers await you...

travel more we will, in our next adventure....

may the darkside be strong in you

anger leads to hate, hate leads to fear, fears leads you to the Darkside. i have journeyed, and i have seeked my powers, i am now more powerful than ever! Muahahaha Muahahaha, you are no match for me now, you do gooders! bow before the most powerfull Sith Lord you shall ever withness Darth Rajes *cue lightening and thunder*
U high on something?
love you pictures but you can never be as powerful as I can be.
i'm so high i have no idea whats goin' on..
see what the Darkside can offer you Martin SkyWalker. don't listen to that Obi Wan Shennobi, she knows nothing about the power of the Darkside, come, join me. feel yourself against those white pants, feel your anger...
there be one guy out there who will be proud of your pictures,i used to think he had vision but you, my friend have a new horizon of photograhy world open to you.-navein
The camera can push the new medium to its limits – and beyond. It is there – in the “beyond” – that the imaginative photographer will compete with the imaginative painter. Painting must return to the natural world from time to time for renewal of the artistic vision. The key sector of renewal of vision today is the new vistas revealed by science. Here photography, which is not only art but science also, stands on the firmest ground.-navein
While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see.-navein
my friend you have talent,make good use of it.-navein
i never thought anyone would be that impressed but thanks macha...
you know Navein, i took 438 pictures that day alone, supsringly the batteries lasted that long, and i got to know my camera better.
maybe and just maybe i should buy the same camera as you.anyway what type of camera do you use????are they very expensive ones????-navein
Navein, very funny...
you will touch Martin SkyWalker the darkside have been in your blood line for a long time.
don't fight it, Martin SkyWalker!! feel your origins...
bish bash!! rajes! keep ur hands to urself! :oP
martin skywalker... u don't have to resist the darkside... accept that it exists but see the light side as the light of ur way...
Muahaha Muahahaha....
feel your anger for me Obi Wan Shennobi!! Martin SkyWalker listen to me, join me, i am your father...
neva darth rajes.. even if i feel my anger.. its part of knowing wat's good...its knowing how to see the balance of light and dark...
stop wanking, stupid son!!!
me no gets the *bish bash*
bish bash = slap slap / whack whack... like in the cartoon shows u know!! :oP
i understand what it means, just don't understand who an why?
bish bash martin and u :oP
why me....?
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