the couple of the year award could go to them, depending on just one thing. well thats ofcourse if Sachi by suprise one day decides to snog Subha in public, heahheahe, kidding again guys...
this was the last picture i took when i was in Leeds, thats when they all decided to take me out for a movie and dancing. i think we watched 'Dark Waters' and we went to Baja. the place kinda sucked though and ofcourse gave Subha a culture shock. she wasn't up to becoming the Holabeck girl

you know i first met Sachi and Subha when they were staying in Mohan's house, they stayed there until they found our hang out spot Holbeck. ever since the first day i met Sachi i knew this was one lepak karat macha, and turns out he was, it was so nice to just chill with him. ofcourse he needs his daily, ermmm sorry hourly dose of his medication, yes the man is very seriously ill, with something called 'chill-out'gitis', so daily we had a bottle of his medication in house, sometimes it was Teachers, other times it was Royal Game. then once in awhile there was Uncle Jack in the house. plus after all we always came down with the same illness, weird how that happened. oh this picture says it all about Subha and what she loves to do with our hair.

speaking of Subha, the first time i met her, she came out as the shy type. i had no idea she was such a friendly and bubbly character, ofcourse there is that mean temper of hers, which i'll avoid at all cost. i learnt a long time ago never argue with women, they'll always win, cause most of the the times they're right anyways. Subha can really make Milo like the way my mom makes it, damn i wish she'd come to the UK earlier, or atleast i should have hanged out with them more. yummy Milo...*slurp

hours before i left, we were all chilling out at my place then we sent Sachi and Subha back, and boy was i in for a suprise, Subha cried her eyes out when i approached to say goodbye. i was so shocked to really find out that she really cared for me. i mean yeah we all cared for each other, but when she cried so badly, i had realized i had actually touched someone in ways i didn't know was possible. i've always been a loud mouth, filled with vulgarity. guys can chill with it, but when a girls learnt to see me despite all the things i say, was certainly something beautiful. i'll never forget the way she cried. at one point, i almost broke into tears but ofcourse i've managed to master the art of keeping my tears contained. Sachi will always be an elder brother than will always wink at me, to signal the 'tick tock' has arrived, and Subha will always be my cute little sister whom i'll get to tease and play around with, oh not to mention she'll fix my hair for me and make me a cup of really sweet Milo.

this here is Conan the Librarian. oh man, Sachi is hilarious, you should hear him do his voices and his jokes are really funny, especially when he talks about his 'Blues Town' Ipoh, and the man loves Samurai Jack, how can i complain. we watched Transfomers together. i can't for these two to come down back to Malaysia. Sachi owes me a trip to Cameron Highlands and Subha, of what the hell it'll be great just to see her again. miss you guys, a lot...