the bad boy of Leeds, Hellboy of real life, the Real McCoy of running with the wolves. actually Mahesh was the first among all of them that i met. i met him at the visa office in KL. back then when i went to collect the damn visa, they stuck almost 50 of us into an office space of 20 by 20 feet, to top it all of then went and closed the doors and switched off the office. i was back there bitching and cursing out, when he turned around and agreed with me. oh an by the way, the bottle next to him is not oil, its beer, thats how he drinks it...hehahehae, kidding guys, its oil, i swear.

thats his dad, notice how neat and tidy Mahesh looks next to his dad. oh i gotta tell this story, see when his dad was in town he couldnt smoke so every now and then he'd go to the shop to buy apple juice. then one day we left in the car and we hadn't gone far, just around the block. so Mahesh being the big taiko he is lite his cigi up and was like, 'i can't take it anymore..!'. just then his dad crosses the road going for a walk in the park. hehahehahe, should have seen all of them run for cover. Raj was the only sane one not to smoke until they'd cleared Holbeck.

this is after he had straigthened his hair, ofcourse by our in-house saloon artist Subha. he dreaded the day he met me and ofcourse the day i took my camera out of its covers. he named me paparazzi.

all things said and done, he is only 21 years old, wait is that right? anyways that makes him the youngest among all of us and yet, he shows signs of maturity way past his age and he can obviously hold his liquor in more than any of us. come October, he said he'll be down, we've gotta meet up.

thats his dad, notice how neat and tidy Mahesh looks next to his dad. oh i gotta tell this story, see when his dad was in town he couldnt smoke so every now and then he'd go to the shop to buy apple juice. then one day we left in the car and we hadn't gone far, just around the block. so Mahesh being the big taiko he is lite his cigi up and was like, 'i can't take it anymore..!'. just then his dad crosses the road going for a walk in the park. hehahehahe, should have seen all of them run for cover. Raj was the only sane one not to smoke until they'd cleared Holbeck.

this is after he had straigthened his hair, ofcourse by our in-house saloon artist Subha. he dreaded the day he met me and ofcourse the day i took my camera out of its covers. he named me paparazzi.

all things said and done, he is only 21 years old, wait is that right? anyways that makes him the youngest among all of us and yet, he shows signs of maturity way past his age and he can obviously hold his liquor in more than any of us. come October, he said he'll be down, we've gotta meet up.
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