oh, this guy on the other hand brought eggs back into fashion, yes, you heard me right, eggs.

if you ever wanna argue with Kumar, make sure you have your fact straight, cause seriouly he is Mr. Facts and Figures. imagine having him around the house, and saying something wrong, KAPOOOW, he'd counter with his remarkable memory power and his intellectual insights of the world. then again, if he is around, we'd always have laughs...

you know whats the best thing, you should see him drive now. our very own Narein Karthikeyen or Ford Kumar as we call him. you know what, i actuall miss his sambar and his pressure cooked sweet mutton. hope everythings 'Sets' well with the dude and his future...

if you ever wanna argue with Kumar, make sure you have your fact straight, cause seriouly he is Mr. Facts and Figures. imagine having him around the house, and saying something wrong, KAPOOOW, he'd counter with his remarkable memory power and his intellectual insights of the world. then again, if he is around, we'd always have laughs...

you know whats the best thing, you should see him drive now. our very own Narein Karthikeyen or Ford Kumar as we call him. you know what, i actuall miss his sambar and his pressure cooked sweet mutton. hope everythings 'Sets' well with the dude and his future...
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