Leeds Art Gallery
don't ask me what the fuck i was doing there. after being so bloody frustrated that the results were taking so long, i just wandered into the place. it was actually free to go in and we're allowed to photograph the art. i dunno why art galleries always freak me out. its just a little too spooky for my liking, which is why i think if you ever wanna make a horror movie, do it in an art gallery...
Mother - she freaked me out the most and yet there was something about her thats so calm, can't explain it. maybe i'm just losing my mind...

this dude here just literally scared the piss out of my nuts...

she's just so sad..

this was the biggest painting in the entire gallery

this here is suppose to be the London docks in the 17th century

the all out attack on Mermaids. what is the enthralment for Mermaids, i never saw it...

King Lear and his daughter, when he was imprisoned

now these here is Leeds in 1859, Boar Lane...

i could fool people with this painting, looks as though i went there, doesn't it?

this year young lady is supposed to be supposed to be some General's daughter

i need to find more things to do here till i actually board that flight in August. the more i look around here, the more i meet British scums, the more enraged i get that this country is actually with the richest currency. i can understand the Americans they actually have a history of an industrial revolution and that goes for the rest of Europe, except two England and Spain, the two country who were pirates. they stole everything they have, from Asia, Africa and Egypt. actually we can say America is doing the same thins to the middle east now, huh? WTF am i talking about, politics? damn i am really losing it...
has anybody tried flavoured weed, its like a lollypop that can get you high...
oh yeah btw, my broadband connection has been disabled since the contract has ran out. my new contract starts only on tuesday, till then don't miss eh guys.
Mother - she freaked me out the most and yet there was something about her thats so calm, can't explain it. maybe i'm just losing my mind...

this dude here just literally scared the piss out of my nuts...

she's just so sad..

this was the biggest painting in the entire gallery

this here is suppose to be the London docks in the 17th century

the all out attack on Mermaids. what is the enthralment for Mermaids, i never saw it...

King Lear and his daughter, when he was imprisoned

now these here is Leeds in 1859, Boar Lane...

i could fool people with this painting, looks as though i went there, doesn't it?

this year young lady is supposed to be supposed to be some General's daughter

i need to find more things to do here till i actually board that flight in August. the more i look around here, the more i meet British scums, the more enraged i get that this country is actually with the richest currency. i can understand the Americans they actually have a history of an industrial revolution and that goes for the rest of Europe, except two England and Spain, the two country who were pirates. they stole everything they have, from Asia, Africa and Egypt. actually we can say America is doing the same thins to the middle east now, huh? WTF am i talking about, politics? damn i am really losing it...
has anybody tried flavoured weed, its like a lollypop that can get you high...
oh yeah btw, my broadband connection has been disabled since the contract has ran out. my new contract starts only on tuesday, till then don't miss eh guys.
u were pretty engrossed with that first statue to have taken a pic in every angle werent' u
i spent almost an hour admiring it then spent the entire night having nightmares from it
pretty much sums up my life spand...
i love art galleries,but yeah,they kinda scare me...it's as if all the paintings and the sculptures have a life of their own,and they're watching your every move. not to mention the quietness that comes with such places...
what about wax museums???ever been to one?
won't wax museums be even spookier?
rajes. there's always that trannie from the library....hehehehehe
Eleanor, this art gallery has the sounds of deep sea waters playing in the back ground, freaks you out.
Ash, wax museums are filled with famous faces, so not that scary. and NO THANK YOU ON THE TRANNIE
Ric, grow up...
famous dead ppl too...how would u know if it's just a wax statue.....hehehehe
i'm so freaking boredddddd!!!!!!
no dumb celebrity is gonna come and stand there for real...
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