Monday, October 25, 2004

can't sleep

well it's 2am, and i can't sleep. i did doze off for a few seconds earlier around 10.30pm but got up (had a dream, nice one though..ric you were in it). now wandering aimlessly trying to see if i can fall asleep again. sigh....

well today was not bad of a day, met another malaysian, staying here, jay. nice guy (seemingly) heahehae. we were at hq, watching the downfall of the great unbeaten record of arsenal, slayed into pieces by the red devils. 2-0...oh yes you heard me right. 2-0. i just have to ask MU this one question, liverpool you go and beat, arsenal you go and beat...birmingham, go and draw...sigh. well i'm still a devil so hats off to you guys. nistelrooy, 3rd time is the charm huh? and wayne rooney, well ofcourse it's no big secret he wasn't tripped, but fell by a trailing leg of campbell. well i've seen penalties awarded for much less fouls. so mike rilley, i can't say you did the right thing or the wrong thing. you had a decision on you hands and did what you thought was right. btw, i anak jantan and i'll say it, ferdinand on who was it again, was a foul and he should have been sent off cause he was the last man. but hey, don't hate the player, hate the game.

speaking of games, rubhino rubhino, man. so close yet still no victory at interlagos. i have to say ferrari kinda got everything wrong this weekend, strategy, tyres, and definetly a lot of bad luck. i mean, schumacher spun on turn 2, we've seen him do that before, too much power down the turn and on the white line, boom, loses the back end, and spins. his race could have ended if klien who was behind him had clipped him of rear ended him. but all in all, the way ferrari went into the race was no suprise this is the result. they have both championships clinched, and they only wanted to see rubens thru his illusive interlagos win. the south americans however still had a home hero win it la...montoya. i was impressed with massa, man he was quick. well rubens, massa, zonta, even montoya, as good as they are match to the great senna in interlagos. did you know up till 2000, every champion that has ever won has won the brazilian gp. yes yes yes, it took the 7 time world champion to beat that record as well. and today i think he has a new record for the most all time points scoring by a driver. but schumacher was very quiet today, almost too quiet. is this signs to come? hmmmm....i'll just give you one advice, never count the scarlet baron out, not by a long shot...

well i still can't sleep...

my thoughts are wandering home, school....and you know who else. i wonder how is she doing, i know she has exams going on. i hope she does well. i'll pray for her, forever... i know some of you are probably sick of readin my sad stories, but then again, hey, this is my blog. heaheahehe. sometimes you know you just wish you can turn back time, change the past. sometimes we wish we can live in the past also (ricardo, you know what i mean, right). almost nothing is in our control is it? cosmic powers swirl us together and explode us into a million pieces falling stars. some soar, some kill dinosours, some end in muzeums. just ocassionally one or two make really far away into the next galaxy and explore the beyond. have you heard the phrase 'miracles do happen', how about the one 'miracles do happen, but to only those who believe in them'. do you believe in miracles? are there even such things? or just god's cruel writings on the wall again? do you believe that our story has been writen down somewhere out there and everything is just playing accordingly?

suddenly there is this silence in my head...i guess life is all about the jostles of your feeling and your emotional burst, trying to fit them together like a huge jigsaw, problem is you're only finding the pieces along the way, and even then their alway middle pieces. i guess you only find those corner pieces toward the end huh? if there ever will be an end?

still not sleepy....

i guess sometimes we kinda take life for granted huh? i mean do we really appreciate the good things in life, the roof above our heads, the hand that feeds us (for me, that would be literally speaking), the little things that we have, those tiny comforts that some don't have. you know humans are always obsessed by the big, shiny, expensive stuff. but how about the view of brown leaves falling from a tree, oh a nice breeze blowing our hair wildly around. i'd go damn, should have used gel! seriously sometimes we look up and say, i wish for that, i wish for this...seldom people say i wish it all stays like this, forever. if you were really happy, and didn't want anything to change, would that be settling, contempt or giving up? i guess the answer will vary, reminds me of the diesel honda advert here, 'hate somthing, can hate be good'...very catchy song.

well i still can't sleep, but might as well go wandering on my sofa. my trusty sofa...



Blogger shennwye said...

everyone wish they could turn back time to change certain areas of the past and relive it but unfortunately time moves in the present and to the future.

holdin on and remembering the sweet memories of the past is part of being human because it helps us remember those feelings that made us feel alive, loved and totally safe and secure. but its important to remember that the past is the past. holding on to it will not only hurt urself but also the people in ur past who loved u as well as the people who loves u now (which i think will be even more hurt than the people in ur past) cos if they see what u go through by relentlessly holding on to the memories, they will most likely be more hurt than u. i would think that if u do really care for urself, ur past, present and future, you should do something that makes u and them happy.

miracles do happen but not always in the way u want it to. u have to open ur eyes and learn to see everything as a miracle waiting to happen. there is where hope is.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:40 AM  

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